Sunday, July 20, 2008
Eli's Week
Week Three.... Squash!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
We're sorry!
Everyone's been a little under the weather in the house.... nasty congestion, lots of coughing and yuckiness, which is why there aren't many new pictures. Dad even went to the doctor!
Eli's new nanny, Amanda, started this past week too! Eli had a fun week of walks in the stroller and sling, a jaunt to the library with Holden (Amanda's nephew), a visit to MOSH and swimming at Epping!
Here's a video we shot on the 4th of July, shortly before the nastiness settled in. Mom is swatting a mosquito that was sucking dad's blood toward the end of the video, though dad contends it was a different story (i.e. that she's sick of hearing about big oil, which she is). There have been a lot of mosquitos recently because of all the downpours we've had, so we have to be very careful with Eli outside.
Thanks Joe and Sarah!
Week Two... Applesauce!