Believe it or not, he's walking all by himself! Granted, he's been walking for a few months now when it suited him, cruising around the coffee table, going from chair to chair, pushing his walker wagon down the sidewalk, but now, he's walking all by himself! Game on, dad! :)
Since we haven't been as diligent lately in posting notes and pictures, here are a few since last we updated everyone on Eli's progress.
Eli's quite the social butterfly! He loves to hug and kiss on other children, much to their shock and awe. He attended the Green Expo, the Riverside Arts Market (RAM) and a farewell to Jennifer at Down to Earth Farms (his CSA - see for more details about the farm) this weekend. Here's Eli enjoying the strawberries from his own front yard that he loves to pick and eat by himself. Notice the new sign recently added, courtesy of Victoria. Eli's an urbfarmer!
This is a picture of Eli and his new friend Sydney enjoying the zoo and Harry, the new baby jaguar...

He loves his new bed that Gampy made for him. In fact, we joke that he camped out in it for a few days. In all honesty, he does spend much more time in his bedroom than he ever did before and loves to sit in the cab and look at books or blow kisses - literally- on the window.
He's had a lot of fun in his new turtle pool courtesy of Victoria (thank you).
He can imitate the dogs, cat, a lion, a cow, the train and has come up with a new logo for mom and dad - mommydada and loves being pimped out for St Johns Riverkeeper... see him below modeling the new spring line, the envy of toddlers everywhere:

We'll shoot some more video that's more accurate of his walking capabilities, but here's a taste of what's in store from when he first really started getting around by himself without any props... check out the Robot Walk: