Friday, April 25, 2008

Eli's Four Month Well Check

Eli's four month well check went good! He's 14lbs, 15 oz (that's right, just under 15 lbs!) and 26 in long. He's in the 75th percentile for height (he's going to be a towering giant like his mom... not!), 50th percentile for weight and 60th for his head.

He also got a Prevnar shot today... we're still going with the one shot a visit methodology. So far, so good, no reactions.

Tummy time was his assigned homework, so mom and dad have been focusing a little more on getting him on his stomach more often.

After a leisurely stroll around the neighborhood with the dogs, he spent the afternoon on a cloth pallet in the backyard naked... just the way he likes to spend his Friday evenings gearing up for the weekend!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Happy Post Earth Day and Eli's Visit with his Great Grandma

Eli's was excited about Earth Day! So excited he and dad had to experience the great outdoors in a new way:

And, he's so excited about keeping his poopy diapers out of the landfill that he's quickly growing out of his prefolds:

Eli also got to visit with his Great Grandma Crain this past weekend.... they watched a Braves game.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

We Apologize

It's been a while since Eli's posted to hi blog and he's sorry.... here are some images from the past few weeks...

Eli and his dad... Eli's wearing his shirt from Tom and Chris:

Aunt Sandi paid Eli a visit! She didn't get to hold him long though before granma grabbed him and lulled him to sleep:

Eli and his dad had some quality time on the front porch in the rocking chair.... by the way, his daddy rocks (no pun intended) and Eli looks pretty awesome in his new monkey pants!

The previous weekend was spent searching for something Eli could chew on (he's teething you know) that his dad and mom wouldn't feel guilty about giving him. Nothing with Bisphenol A ( or phthalates ( The result of the exhaustive online search? Sophie the Giraffe and Chan Pie Gnon Soother. See for more details. Sophie's been around since 1961 and is made of natural rubber and food quality paint. Eli is still trying to figure out how to get her whole body in his mouth... here's to Sophie power!

We've saved the best for last! A video of Eli:

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Eli's so proud of his pop!

Eli's pretty proud of his dad! There's a Q&A interview with his dad in the April edition of 'Branches', part of the Resident Community News and a picture of dad, mom and Eli in front of the house in the garden on the front cover.

See it online at and read the article!

Dad was interviewed and asked questions about what he does to conserve water. Eli's a little relieved that dad didn't mention cutting out his bath time (he LOVES splashing in the tub) or making him scoop the water out of the tub after bath time to water plants.

Dad revealed his dirty little Tuesday and Wednesday night habit in the article... you'll have to read it to find out!