Friday, April 25, 2008

Eli's Four Month Well Check

Eli's four month well check went good! He's 14lbs, 15 oz (that's right, just under 15 lbs!) and 26 in long. He's in the 75th percentile for height (he's going to be a towering giant like his mom... not!), 50th percentile for weight and 60th for his head.

He also got a Prevnar shot today... we're still going with the one shot a visit methodology. So far, so good, no reactions.

Tummy time was his assigned homework, so mom and dad have been focusing a little more on getting him on his stomach more often.

After a leisurely stroll around the neighborhood with the dogs, he spent the afternoon on a cloth pallet in the backyard naked... just the way he likes to spend his Friday evenings gearing up for the weekend!

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