Believe it or not, Eli's got four upper teeth! The two newest started pushing through last Friday. We can't see any new bottom teeth yet, but have a feeling more are on the way. His dad's a little worried he might keep the space between his top teeth. His grandpa joked and called him Bucky Beaver when he spent quality time with him during last weekend's Jaguar's game.
Eli's becoming MUCH more aware of his surroundings. He takes time to watch and study everything. He still likes to orally examine everything (i.e. likes to put it in his mouth) and is still getting on his hand and knees and rocking a bit, so we think it's only a matter of time before he takes off! Mom got him some 'baby legs' ( to protect his legs from the hardwood floots. Let's just hope they'll fit over his chubby legs in the upcoming months! He's also eating a lot more 'food', though most of it doesn't require a lot of chewing.
Eli and mom have had what I guess you could call challenge matches recently. With his new teeth, he's taken to biting (and drawing blood in a few cases) when nursing (yes, he's still nursing), likes to pinch and pull out hand fulls of hair. Mom's polled a few other nursing moms to find out what they did to combat the biting, so hopefully a few tried and true methods will help curb Eli's need to chomp down.
Here are a few picture of Eli over the past few weeks...

Eli and Holden at Kid's Campus. We won't go into the cloth diaper scandal, but suffice it to say, the City of Jacksonville isn't environmentally concerned and thinks everyone should wear plastic.

Eli, dad and granma on St Augustine Beach. We stayed part of Labor Day weekend in what was supposed to be a four star hotel. I'm not sure what rating scale they were using, so we'll just say that Eli really enjoyed the beach and we'll leave it at that.
Eli's first Artwalk in downtown Jacksonville! He got to check out quite a bit, but I think the highlight was this Packard...
Eli's first visit (with mom and dad in tow at least) to the bar at Burrito Gallery. He LOVES the ginger teryaki tofu and guacamole there and just had to check out the bar with dad.
eli is definitely one SUPERFLY dude, but this blog-page needs more pics of mom, and less mug of the rk exec dir!!!
love and hugs from GA
Grand Pa Crain says more pic's of the whole family.Please. Lots of Love
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