Eli had a Super Fantastic Weekend this weekend!
It all started out with a little naked tummy time in the front yard on a super fantastic quilt that Brynne made for him! He really enjoys the patterns and wanted to give her a shout out to say thank you!
Eli's also started drinking out of a glass. Mom and dad were both pretty surprised that he's showed interest, I mean, considering where his food typically comes from and all, but he seems to have mastered it well enough.
Saturday morning he tried to sleep in, but mom wouldn't leave his crack alone... it really is pretty funny that he's growing out of his prefolds so quickly.
He, mom and dad headed out to run errands. First stop was to visit volunteers cleaning up at the Haskell Company. Eli got to hang out on the yacht and nap for a bit. Next stop was to visit Bertha.... it had been a while since she had seen him and she was surprised at how big he had grown!
Next stops were to buy clothes since he's quickly growing out of those he has.... he wanted to model the shirt Aunt Sandi had bought for him when he was still in utero. It seemed awfully small when she gave it to mom and dad.... now seems awfully small since he's quickly growing out of it! Eli's already wearing 6-9 month clothes!

Gampy and grandma came over Saturday night to hang out with Eli. Mom and dad headed out to see the First Coast Chorus 2008 Spring Concert - The River Runs Through Us where mom won a raffled zoo membership for the family! Eli was so excited so we decided the next day to head to the zoo!
What a morning it was! Eli had seen animals before.... he has his own zoo of kitties, doggies, fish and squirrels at home, but a ray petting bay and actual giraffes?! He really was beside himself.

Now if he could just figure out how to get the real giraffe into his mouth....