It all started out with a little naked tummy time in the front yard on a super fantastic quilt that Brynne made for him! He really enjoys the patterns and wanted to give her a shout out to say thank you!
Eli's also started drinking out of a glass. Mom and dad were both pretty surprised that he's showed interest, I mean, considering where his food typically comes from and all, but he seems to have mastered it well enough.

Saturday morning he tried to sleep in, but mom wouldn't leave his crack alone... it really is pretty funny that he's growing out of his prefolds so quickly.

He, mom and dad headed out to run errands. First stop was to visit volunteers cleaning up at the Haskell Company. Eli got to hang out on the yacht and nap for a bit. Next stop was to visit Bertha.... it had been a while since she had seen him and she was surprised at how big he had grown!
Next stops were to buy clothes since he's quickly growing out of those he has.... he wanted to model the shirt Aunt Sandi had bought for him when he was still in utero. It seemed awfully small when she gave it to mom and dad.... now seems awfully small since he's quickly growing out of it! Eli's already wearing 6-9 month clothes!
Gampy and grandma came over Saturday night to hang out with Eli. Mom and dad headed out to see the First Coast Chorus 2008 Spring Concert - The River Runs Through Us where mom won a raffled zoo membership for the family! Eli was so excited so we decided the next day to head to the zoo!
What a morning it was! Eli had seen animals before.... he has his own zoo of kitties, doggies, fish and squirrels at home, but a ray petting bay and actual giraffes?! He really was beside himself.
Now if he could just figure out how to get the real giraffe into his mouth....
Eli is so adorable! Great pictures. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Eli :)
This is Rose, a long time friend of your mom's you have yet to meet. Your mom and I have known each other since we were nine- what seems a lifetime ago, several trips around the world, and now 364miles (when I am home). Your mom sent me a link to your blog the other day; what a joy to find and read- especially since I have been away from from home for awhile now.
I figure I would drop you a 'few' lines about all your adventures thus far for you to read one day and think, "who in the heck is this crazy lady?!?"
You are quite photogenic. I love all the pictures but am quite partial to the back and white photo. You are blessed to have both your parents' fabulous good looks, though in the B/W picture you certainly favor your Uncle Shawn. What doesn't surprise me is your first lessons in the fine art of drinking out of a glass happens to be from a pint glass. Very nice.
I bet you had fun at the zoo. It has been many moons since I have been to the Jacksonville Zoo. In fact, the last time I was there was with your mom about 18 years ago. One of these days, I will show you the picture of your mom and I on an elephant. But I love zoos. I will have to say my favorites are all birds and orangutans. Maybe I will show you a picture one day of me at your age to show you why I love orangutans. I like birds because they come in all sorts of colors and can fly.
Nap time anytime is awesome. Especially with the grands. I wish I could have my nap time back. Enjoy it while you can. You will know why much later.
I will have to commend you on your choice of how you spend your tummy time- naked. Many only wish they could have the guts to do what you do. I would keep an eye on where mom, dad, and the grands stash these pictures. They may become an arsenal for embarrassment (all in good fun) one day. I would know, I did the same thing to my not-so-little brother.
As far as your illegal activities...goodness. A little civil disobedience is good for the soul sometimes.
Of everything though, sweet Eli, you are so fortunate to be raised in a well-rounded environment in Jacksonville. Enjoy every moment, learn as much as you can, and know how special it is.
Well, Eli, it's time for me to go back to work. I am away from home right now and working nights. I had a great time reading about your adventures and look forward to reading more. They are so much more interesting than activity reports of bad people. Take care and tell Mom and Dad hello for me. I hope to be home soon to meet you.
Stay sweet,
Hi Eli :)
This is Rose, a long time friend of your mom's you have yet to meet. Your mom and I have known each other since we were nine- what seems a lifetime ago, several trips around the world, and now 364 miles (when I am home). Your mom sent me a link to your blog the other day; what a joy to find and read- especially since I have been away from from home for awhile now.
I figure I would drop you a 'few' lines about all your adventures thus far for you to read one day and think, "who in the heck is this crazy lady?!?"
You are quite photogenic. I love all the pictures but am quite partial to the back and white photo. You are blessed to have both your parents' fabulous good looks, though in the B/W picture you certainly favor your Uncle Shawn. What doesn't surprise me is your first lessons in the fine art of drinking out of a glass happens to be from a pint glass. Very nice.
I bet you had fun at the zoo. It has been many moons since I have been to the Jacksonville Zoo. In fact, the last time I was there was with your mom about 18 years ago. One of these days, I will show you the picture of your mom and I on an elephant. But I love zoos. I will have to say my favorites are all birds and orangutans. Maybe I will show you a picture one day of me at your age to show you why I love orangutans. I like birds because they come in all sorts of colors and can fly.
Nap time anytime is awesome. Especially with the grands. I wish I could have my nap time back. Enjoy it while you can. You will know why much later.
I will have to commend you on your choice of how you spend your tummy time- naked. Many only wish they could have the guts to do what you do. I would keep an eye on where mom, dad, and the grands stash these pictures. They may become an arsenal for embarrassment (all in good fun) one day. I would know, I did the same thing to my not-so-little brother.
As far as your illegal activities...goodness. A little civil disobedience is good for the soul sometimes.
Of everything though, sweet Eli, you are so fortunate to be raised in a well-rounded environment in Jacksonville. Enjoy every moment, learn as much as you can, and know how special it is.
Well, Eli, it's time for me to go back to work. I am away from home right now and working nights. I had a great time reading about your adventures and look forward to reading more. They are so much more interesting than activity reports of bad people. Take care and tell Mom and Dad hello for me. I hope to be home soon to meet you.
Stay sweet,
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