We spent part of the weekend doing serious research. We're going to get chickens, well, after we clear it with the neighbors, so Eli got to visit Jim Draper's this weekend to meet his girls and was pretty intrigued as you can see.
Jim's are Ameraucanas and their eggs come in shades of blue, green and brown. See http://www.mypetchicken.com/Ameraucana-B5.aspx. Jim also recommended the following site if you're considering chickens - http://www.fowlvisions.com/
Eli went to see his grandpa in Interlachen early Sunday morning to take a dip in his new pool. When Eli got in, the water was a little too cold for his liking, no matter how Granpa tried to spin it. He even tried bribing mom with a kiss to get out of the cold water.... it worked.
Granpa is his new hero though.... he killed a pygmy rattlesnake on the carport near the pool just before Eli go to Interlachen.

Eli packed up and headed back to Jacksonville with mom, dad, Jordan and Bonzo in tow for dessert with Gampy and granma. Eli loved wearing seersucker for his gampy! Now if he could just get Gampy to make him a mint julep with that Evan Willams he got from mom and dad, he'd be set!

Dad got in on the photographic fun and posed with Eli and gampy for this 'multi-generational' shot.
I don't have grandkids yet but you make them look so much fun! Thanks for sharing my website with your friends. Good luck with your chickens. I love Aracaunas for the color of the eggs and the size. They are also a very friendly chicken.
I forgot to add, the baby is adorable!
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